Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo RemovalThe laser that is used in laser tattoo removal is simply a high energy concentrated beam of light in bursts with a high energy, which consists of a certain wavelength and impulse length. According to the treated colour, the laser has to be adjusted exactly for the following:
The colour of non-transparent pure coloured bodies gets formed by remission. This remission is a cooperation of absorbtion and reflection. It means that a white light (not coloured) hits a body which absorbs the light and it reflects the light of a certain wave length again. If a body is blue, just a blue light gets reflected which is a light of the wavelength 450 mm. Therefore it means: the lighter the colour of the tattoo the more laser light it will reflect, so it becomes more difficult to remove this colour completely. Among other things the so-called solid laser are used like the Rubin Laser, the Nd-Yag laser and the Alexandridlaser.

The colour of the tattoo is placed in isolated pigments of the skin which get a 'burst' by the laser. These remnants of the colour are removed by the 'feeding cells'. There are usually no scars remaining, except if the patient is susceptible to an extreme scar formation. If an allergic reaction to the red colour pigments is existing for example, you have to be aware that the allergic reaction is the result of the body's removal of the affected red particles after the treatment. In the case of allergies you should contact a skin physician. Nearly all colours are removable by using a Rubin laser and a Nd-Yag laser. If a light natural coloured tattoo is existing, it is rare to have an irreversible change of the colour to black/brown.

The period of a laser treatment / expenses:

It is impossible to give exact information about the period of a treatment without first seeing the tattoo. In the use of laser tattoo removal there are many methods and types of laser. The removal of a tattoo with several colours can take a couple of months, depending on the method, the tattoo, the part of the skin and the budget. You should take into account that the removal of a tattoo via laser tattoo removal could cost you more than getting the actual tattoo in the first place.
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